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Call 717-786-1777

23 Lancaster Ave. Christiana, PA 17509


At Essential Chiropractic and Wellness, we strive to give you the most well rounded care. We offer top notch chiropractic care, and various forms of muscle treatment including massage therapy and nutritional and supplement advice. 

Dr. Carrie Lawson graduated from the Chiropractic program at Life University in 2015 and has owned her own practice in Georgia before moving back to Pennsylvania, where she grew up. She has been a chiropractic patient since childhood and has always had a passion for the profession. It is this passion that took her on a chiropractic mission trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2012 to provide free care to the under served communities there. She is proficient in full spine diversified, thompson, activator, torque release, sacro-occipital, and pediatric adjusting techniques as well active release techniques for treating muscular issues. It is an absolute honor and privilege to serve this community and to be able to help people improve their quality of life and mobility.

In her spare time she enjoys hiking with her husband, watching old movies, antiquing and refinishing furniture, cooking and just spending time with her family.

Massage therapy

We believe that for optimum health and alignment, both muscle and bone need to be addressed. We have two massage therapists on staff to accommodate your needs. They specialize in prenatal, cranial and myofascial techniques.


Chiropractic care is totally customized to YOUR specific issue and abilities. We offer specific hands on adjusting as well as lower force instrument  based techniques. Dr. Lawson specializes in full spine technique, thompson, sacro-occipital technique as well as torque release technique, activator and pediatrics. 


Whether your goals are to have less pain and more mobility, enhance your performance, improve your posture, boost your immune system or just overall wellness, we've got you covered! Call today and make an appointment to see how we can help you! We look forward to being your partner in your journey to health!

23 Lancaster Ave. Christiana, PA

Tel: 717-786-1777  Fax: 717-786-5193


Hours:  Mon. 2:00pm-8:00pm

Tues. 9:00-12:00, 2:00-5:00

Wed. 12:00pm-8:00pm

Thurs. 9:00am-2:00pm

Fri. 9:00am-1:00pm




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